Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Applique cushion Tutorial

Ok it is finally here! my first tutorial! 
Sorry about the wait I hope that you will enjoy it. I am going to show you how to make a Union Jack (for those of you who don't know that is the British flag) cushion cover.

First of all you will need a cushion form, pick whatever size you like. The cushion form should have the measurements on the packaging, if it doesn't then you will need to measure it and make a note of the dimensions.

The cushion form that I used was 14" by 14"

I then made a pattern piece for the front part of the cushion cover. I made my pattern 15" by 15" ..... as I am from Britain I sew with a 1 centimeter seam allowance, if you like to use a larger seam allowance then you will need to make your pattern bigger. 

 I chose to use a linen fabric. Once you have chosen your fabric go ahead and cut your front piece out.

Next you will need to take measurements diagonally and then vertically or horizontally :)

Using those measurements you will need to cut strips of fabric to use as the main components of the flags  design. you will need 2 wider strips and 2 narrower strips. I used 2.5" width and 1.5" width. The widest pieces will form a cross vertically and horizontally so use your vertical measurement that you took earlier. The narrower strips will go diagonally across the cushion so use your diagonal measurement for these ones.

Here is what your diagonal pieces will look like laid onto your front cushion piece.

Now you need to stitch your diagonal fabric strips down. I left a raw edge and stitched it down using a cute embroidery stitch on my sewing machine (if you don't have any embroidery stitches use a zigzag stitch). Alternatively You may wish to have a neat edge and fold a little under each side, press it and top stitch it. I just pinned my strips down before stitching, but that's my style and what I feel comfortable doing, if you wish to baste or use another method then do what works best for you.

Next you will need to cut some ribbon, I chose some navy grosgrain ribbon. You will need 2 pieces to fit diagonally and 2 pieces to fit vertically and horizontally.

Stitch the diagonal strips of ribbon on top of the diagonal fabric strips which you have already sewn on.

Now lay the wide vertical and horizontal strips of fabric over the diagonal pieces and stitch.

Finally stitch the ribbon on top of the vertical and horizontal strips of fabric.

Wooo Hooo now you have done the main part of your cushion!

Now you will need to put a back on to your cushion cover :) you may wish to cut a single piece the same size as the front and insert a zipper or you may wish to make an envelope style opening (which slightly overlaps) I hate putting zippers in so I went for an envelope style opening.

For an envelope opening use that original measurement that you used to cut your front piece (in my case it was 15" by 15")

You will need to keep the width the same (for me this was 15") but you will slit the length into 2 pieces and add a few inches. Decide where you would like to have your opening, half way, three quarters of the way....

I like mine to be about three quarters of the way. Where ever you make the split add 3" to each piece in length. So my pieces were 9" by 15" and 12" by 15"

I didn't want to leave the opening edges to the split raw so I pressed the edge in about 1cm (press the wrong side in)

and then fold it over another 1cm and stitch it down for a nice crisp edge

When your pieces are all ready to be sewn together put the right sides of the back to right side of the front (I hope that makes sense to you) and stitch them together :) 

If you have a surger then you can surge your inside seams, if not then you could zigzag them or if you really don't care :) then trim them neatly and turn your pillow right side out and there you have it your finished cushion!!!!!!!!!

Good luck I hope this tutorial is of some help to you or gives you some good ideas of your own, if it inspires you then I would love to see what you created from it! 

Any questions or clarifications needed please let me know.

Happy Tuesday

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